Afirma directiva de ILGA que Cuba muestra pasos claros hacia protección de derechos LGBTI

Parece que al fin conoceré en persona a mi amiga virtual Gloria Careaga, reconocida psicóloga, académica y activista LGBT que funge desde el 2008 como co-secretaria general de la Asociación Internacional de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Trans e Intersex (ILGA, por sus siglas en inglés), gracias a la próxima celebración en Cuba de la VI Conferencia Regional de esa organización para América Latina y el Caribe.

Gloria Careaga, co-secretaria general de Ilga.
Gloria Careaga, co-secretaria general de Ilga.

Del 6 al 10 de mayo, especialistas y activistas internacionales del movimiento LGBTI de nuestro continente debatirán e intercambiarán experiencias en relación con la lucha contra toda forma de discriminación y exclusión por orientación sexual e identidad de género, en el Centro de Convenciones Plaza América, en el balneario de Varadero, provincia de Matanzas.
Por la parte cubana, activistas de diferentes grupos y redes, de todas las orientaciones sexuales e identidades de género, nos estamos preparando para este encuentro, cuya organización está a cargo del Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (Cenesex), en coordinación con otras instituciones y organizaciones nacionales.
En lo particular, debo agradecer a mis colegas del grupo Humanidad por la Diversidad (HxD), perteneciente a las redes sociales comunitarias que aglutina el Cenesex, por haberme seleccionado como delegado a esta importante reunión. Para quienes tengan interés en asistir —Ilga es una organización abierta y todo el que quiera y pueda, podrá estar a su conferencia en Varadero— todavía son posibles las inscripciones.
Ágil y gentil, precisa y concisa, la mexicana Gloria Careaga, quien además es cofundadora e integrante de la dirección de uno de los grupos lésbicos más antiguos de su país, y estudiosa de la sexualidad, el género y la diversidad sexual en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, accedió como en otra ocasión a responderme por correo electrónico varias preguntas imprescindibles sobre esta inédita cita que formará parte además de la celebración de la VII Jornada Cubana contra la Homofobia.
¿Por qué seleccionaron a Cuba para este evento?
Cuba había manifestado interés en realizar la Conferencia de ILGA desde el 2006. Si bien en las Conferencias Regionales no había habido una clara manifestación recientemente, se consideró retomar la propuesta manifiesta. Cuba está mostrando pasos claros hacia la protección de los derechos LGBTI y creo que es importante conocer al detalle el trabajo que allá se está haciendo.

Activistas de diferentes grupos y redes, de todas las orientaciones sexuales e identidades de género, nos estamos preparando para este encuentro.
Activistas de diferentes grupos y redes, de todas las orientaciones sexuales e identidades de género, nos estamos preparando para este encuentro.

¿Cómo marchan los preparativos y qué expectativas tienen sus organizadores en cuanto a participación y resultados?
El Comité organizador local ha dado respuesta a todas las inquietudes del Comité Regional. Según tengo entendido todo está listo para la celebración de la Conferencia. Hemos visto que muchas organizaciones de la región e incluso de otras regiones han mostrado interés en participar en la Conferencia. A nosotros nos favorece que defensores de derechos de LGBTI de todos los países de la región estén presentes, ese es el desafío.
El Programa de la Conferencia es atractivo y considero que será una buena oportunidad para definir la agenda próxima y algunas estrategias colectivas para el avance en la protección de nuestros derechos. Pero sobre todo de aprovechar la oportunidad de intercambio de experiencia y construir lazos.
¿Cuáles son a su juicio los temas más cruciales en la discusión que tendrá lugar en Varadero?
La Conferencia ofrece la oportunidad para hacer un balance sobre la situación regional, condición urgente y necesaria para dar marco a las discusiones posteriores.
Se hace necesario también hacer un balance sobre las acciones emprendidas en los espacios internacionales para evaluar las estrategias empleadas. Pero la Conferencia comprende varias discusiones sobre temáticas puntuales que permiten orientar el rumbo necesario para avanzar en la protección de nuestros derechos: salud, educación, homofobia, participación política, arte, entre otras.
¿De qué manera esta conferencia en Cuba puede contribuir al desarrollo del movimiento LGBTI en la región?
Como señalé, para muchas personas es importante conocer el proceso que se está desarrollando en Cuba, cuáles han sido sus estrategias, y cuáles son los alcances conquistados. Este intercambio de experiencias enriquece los procesos de cada uno.
¿Cuáles vínculos de trabajo podrían surgir o estrecharse con la Isla a partir de esta reunión?
Algunas organizaciones han estado cerca del proceso de Cuba desde hace rato. Para otras, es la oportunidad de establecer vínculos y por qué no, de desarrollar proyectos colectivos entre organizaciones y países.
¿Cómo valoras la posibilidad de coincidir con la VII Jornada Cubana contra la Homofobia?
Altamente, conocemos de las ediciones anteriores y creemos que para las y los activistas de la región será muy importante vivir ese momento. Sumarse a la demanda de respeto de manera festiva, compartiendo con los grupos y organizaciones del país.

Gracias a mis colegas activistas de HxD por haberme seleccionado como delegado a esta importante reunión.
Gracias a mis colegas activistas de HxD por haberme seleccionado como delegado a esta importante reunión.

52 Comentarios Agrega el tuyo

  1. Negracubana dice:

    Falto una pregunta Paco: Como el evento puede influir en el tratamiento en Cuba de temas que aun no se discuten ni legisla como el acceso de las lesbianas a las tecnicas de fertilizacion o la aprobacion del matrimonio igualitario?

    1. No creo que esa fuera una pregunta para Gloria. Esa es para nuestros políticos.

      1. Negracubana dice:

        Aunque discrepo, espero que le hagas esa pregunta a los politicos que seguramente estaran en la Confe! Gracias Paco por contestar.

        1. Sandra, que no te dé como a otras personas por empezar a decir lo que uno debe decir o hacer. Ya sabes que me pongo malito 😉

          1. Negracubana dice:

            Paquito lamento decirte que malito ya estas 😉

          2. Pero así le gusto a mi novio 😉

          3. Negracubana dice:

            Si, hay gente para todo! Slds para el! El si esta bueno!!!! 😉

  2. Negracubana dice:

    Paquito, las inscripciones tambien estan abiertas para gente de la Isla? Sabes que de Arcoiris no le dieron beca a nadie? Me parece que no todxs estan en igualdad de condiciones para participar.

    1. El inagotable dice:

      Comenta Calvet:

      comer más hamburguesas que Orlando.

      Ja Ja Ja ?Quiere pesar 400 libras?

      Pero te aclaro que lo mio es el Pollo Tropical y los emparedados de Subway.

      Te recomiendo Pan italiano con queso, meatball, tostado, tomate, pepino

      y cebolla opcional, mostaza, mayonesa y crema de cebolla dulce.

      Con un cupon, el Segundo emperedado de 6 pulgadas es gratis. Los

      dos, ademas de las papitas y el refresco te salen en $6.90.

    2. Están abiertas, pero me temo que la cuota es demasiada elevada para activistas nacionales que quieran participar por su cuenta. 300 CUC. Lamentablemente es una conferencia internacional, no un evento que organiza el país.

      1. Negracubana dice:

        Cuando hacemos un evento dela Sociedad Cubana de Psicologia, siempre tenemos cuotas para cubanos, especiales para ellos. Pero entiendo. Ya el marxismo lo dijo… Gracias por responder Paquito.

        1. Supongo que si no se hizo, es porque no era posible, porque hasta las cuotas de quienes van por las redes hay que pagarlas en CUC. Tal vez es que Ilga es LAC no cubana como la sociedad de psicología.

          1. Negracubana dice:

            En fin, el mar. Cuba y el resto del mundo…

  3. SantiagoCuba dice:


  4. joel brito dice:


    Wash, DC U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, delivered the below statement as prepared for delivery on Cuba.

    “M. President, as the attention of the world has been focused on the pre-1991 Soviet behavior of President Putin in Crimea – I come to the floor to remind the American public and members of this body that there is also a full-fledged human rights crisis ongoing in our own hemisphere, just 90 miles from our shores in Cuba.

    “As Ukrainians courageously fight to protect the democracy they won when the Berlin Wall fell 25 years ago this year, the Cuban people continue to suffer from the oppression of a Soviet-style dictatorship that denies them the most basic rights.

    “When the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, millions of people – from Kiev to Budapest – Africa to Asia – were given their first chance in decades to build their own governments. A first chance to organize democratic elections. The chance to begin to determine their own futures.

    “Since the end of the Cold War, peace, prosperity and progress have largely been the order of the day for hundreds of millions of people, but not for the people of Cuba. Not one of these core principles of democracy can be found on the island.

    “Fidel and Raul Castro have been the only names on any ballot for over 50 years. Not one free election has been held. Not one Cuban has been allowed to own their own company. Not one legitimate trade union has been allowed to be organized. Not one peaceful protest has occurred without being brutally squashed by the regime.

    “No, this is the reality of Cuba today, it was the reality when the Berlin Wall fell — and it’s been Cuba’s reality for almost 60 years since Fidel Castro began taking control of every aspect of Cuban life. This reality in Cuba, the decades-long brutal oppression of simple human and democratic rights, the total disdain for the aspirations of a people by the Castro regime, its military and communist lackey-thugs who penetrate and control people’s lives at all levels should not be overlooked, it should not be romanticized, and it should never be explained away.

    “But, unlike Ukraine where we have watched in horror as people have been ruthlessly beaten and killed for simply aspiring for democratic and transparent government, the Castro regime does not allow images of its oppression to be broadcast around the globe – let alone at home. But just because we do not see those images streaming across television sets and in the newspapers does not mean the world should not be watching. It does not mean we have turned the other way and it does not mean we have overlooked the brutal and often times lethal oppression of the regime in Cuba.

    “The number of people the regime has murdered or abducted is in the tens-of-thousands, if not the tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands of children have been separated from their parents. Maybe hundreds of thousands of families have been torn apart. Millions of men, women and young people have been forced into the fields to cut sugar cane and perform other hard labor against their will. The average Cuban worker lives on an income of less than a dollar a day.

    “The Castro regime has been most adept not at spreading education and prosperity, but at instilling a penetrating fear and terror in the style of a Stalinist police state. This has been going on since 1959, but, unfortunately, it is not a thing of the past.

    “Let us not overlook the fact that arbitrary and politically motivated arrests in Cuba reportedly topped 1,000 for a third straight month this February, according to the Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation, a group inside Cuba, founded by Elizardo Sanchez Santa-Cruz whose mission is to bring change and freedom to the island. The Commission reported that “arrests in the past three months have nearly doubled from the monthly averages of the previous two years.”

    “We must remind ourselves everyday of the continued oppression and human suffering that is happening – not only halfway around the world, but 90 miles from our own shores. The ongoing oppressive behavior of the Cuban regime we saw for the last half of the 20th century still haunts our hemisphere today.

    “While Putin has annexed Crimea, while one wonders what’s next, while Assad continues to kill his own people in Syria, while the world is watching the Taliban in Afghanistan, and violence continues in the Central African Republic taking countless lives, the oppression of the Castro regime keeps rolling along – unabated.

    “If there is a single symbol of that oppression, of the longing for freedom in Cuba, it is the Ladies in White – Damas de Blanco – and their leader, Berta Soler. The courage she has displayed to promote democracy and political freedom in Cuba has served as an extraordinary example for all of us and everyone around the world who longs to be free.

    “Every Sunday, they protest the jailing of their relatives by attending mass and quietly marching through the streets of Havana, praying for nothing more than the freedom of their relatives and respect for the human rights of all Cubans. Often arrested, roughed-up, detained, jailed, held for days — maybe weeks — released and jailed again, the Ladies in White are the symbol of freedom and women like Laura Pollan represents the story of thousands.

    “She was a school teacher living with her husband, Hector, the leader of the outlawed Cuban Liberal Party. They were living a normal life in a small house on Neptune Street in Havana. Early one morning there was a pounding at the front door. The police came in. Searched everything. There was a sham-trial held in Cuba. Hector was imprisoned. Sentenced to 20 years in jail and accused of acting against national security. His only crime was dreaming of a free Cuba, and putting that dream in writing.

    “Since I last came to the floor to speak about Cuba, I met Rosa Maria Paya, daughter of the long-time dissident and political activist, Oswaldo Paya. He was a Roman Catholic and the head of the Christian Liberation Movement who collected 25,000 signatures in the Varela Project – a peaceful effort to petition the regime for freedom of speech, freedom of assembly. For his peaceful efforts he was awarded the Sakharov Prize by the European Parliament.

    “His peaceful efforts, were seen as a danger to the regime, a threat for which he was detained and arrested many times. Many times he suffered at the hands of the regime, and, last year, he died in Cuba – killed as Cuban state security rammed his car off the road. What we know is the car, driven by Spanish politician Angel Carromero, a citizen of Spain and Aron Modig, a party activist in Sweden, was involved in the fatal automobile accident that killed Paya and his Cuban colleague Harold Cepero.

    “The circumstances surrounding Paya’s death leave any reasonable person to conclude what really happened on that road in eastern Cuba that took the life of Oswaldo was an assassination. His daughter, Rosa Maria, immediately challenged the regime’s version of events stating that the family had received information from the survivors that their car was repeatedly rammed by another vehicle. “So we think it’s not an accident,” she said, “They wanted to do harm and then ended up killing my father.”

    “Ms. Paya was in Washington not long ago, accepting a posthumous award from the National Endowment for Democracy on behalf of another young Cuban activist who died alongside Oswaldo Paya. At the time, the new Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, had come before the Foreign Relations Committee during the nomination process, and assured me she would reach out to Ms. Paya when confirmed. Since then, she has not only met with Rosa Maria, but also directly challenged Cuba’s foreign minister to permit an independent international investigation into Mr. Paya’s death. I commend Ambassador Power for standing with those still suffering in Cuba and with Oswaldo Paya and his family who died for advocating peaceful democratic change and Christian values.

    “But Cuba’s reach doesn’t end with the detention or the death of dissidents like Oswaldo Paya. It doesn’t end at the water’s edge. It goes much further.

    “Cuba is at the head of a new and dire crisis in our hemisphere that we cannot ignore and now we see the same oppression of peaceful activists in Cuba on the streets of Caracas. Venezuela’s political crisis is growing: 40 dead; hundreds injured; the nation’s economy deteriorating; inflation at record levels; a scarcity of basic foods and goods. M. President, it sounds like Cuba to me!

    “Behind Venezuela’s economic crisis, we can see Cuba’s failed policies – expropriation and nationalization of various sectors of the economy, fixed prices in the consumer economy, criminalization of business leaders and their companies, currency manipulation and rationing of basic foodstuff.

    “Behind Venezuela’s political crisis, we can clearly see familiar Cuban tactics – the demonization of the dissent, intolerance and oppression of any form of opposition, politicizing of the military and judiciary, the silencing of independent television and radio stations, the shutting-down of newspapers, the arrest of political opponents doing nothing more than exercising basic rights to freedom of assembly.

    “We see Cuba’s destabilizing presence is deeply entwined in Venezuela’s crisis. It started with the discovery of 29 Cuban spies in Margarita Island in Venezuela in 1997. It grew steadily and insidiously through the Chavez years with the Cuban presence and key advisors from Havana in almost every institution of national government in Venezuela – from the military to intelligence agencies to the health sector to industrial policy. And the result? Democracy subverted and innocent people dying from bullets fired by the government and its thugs – just like in Cuba.

    “And yet, knowing the instability that the Cuban regime continues to spread, amazingly, Europe, nations in Latin America and the Caribbean, and some of my colleagues in this Chamber, are seeking new opportunities to engage the Cuban regime. Some want to ease sanctions at this critical moment and fundamentally redefine our relationship with Cuba. I could not disagree more.

    “We can never turn our back on what has happened and continues to happen in Cuba! We can never wink-and-nod, and say: It’s been 50 years, that’s long enough, things are changing for the better in Cuba, so we should ease sanctions.

    “I say – NO! – No, we should not ease sanctions. We should not let up. We should not reward the Castro regime for its human rights violations. For the suffering it continues to cause the people of Cuba.

    “We should not reward the regime for the long dark years they have brought to the island. We should not ease tourism restrictions simply because the clock is ticking.

    “Those who wish to pursue engagement with Cuba must not forget Cuba’s history and its present state of torture and oppression – its systematic curtailment of freedom.

    “Recent events tell a different story: The story of two terrorist states – Cuba and North Korea.

    “There is unshakeable, undeniable, incontrovertible proof of the Cuban government colluding with North Korea in violation of United Nations sanctions regime. In July of last year, a North Korean ship was docked in Cuba’s new Mariel Port facility.

    “The North Korean ship, suspicious to even the most untrained observer, left the dock and it wasn’t long afterward that it was seized by the Panamanian government when it attempted to enter the Panama Canal. Panamanian authorities boarded the ship, and what did they find? There, in the cargo bays, under some 200,000 bags of sugar, authorities discovered 240 tons of weapons bound for – where? – that’s right – for North Korea, another terrorist state.

    “And yet, apparently this evidence – to some of my colleagues – is not of concern.

    “But that’s not the end of the story, M. President. When authorities inventoried the 240 tons of weapons hidden beneath 200,000 bags of sugar they found on the North Korean ship – they found two MiG aircraft; several SA-2 and SA-3 surface-to-air missile systems; missile and radar components; and a cache of small arms and rocket propelled grenades.

    “I ask my colleagues, is this the kind of behavior of a tired old benign regime – one that deserves our sympathy? Is this a misunderstanding that does not check enough terrorist boxes? Is this something we should justifiably ignore, falling under the category of Castro-will-be-Castro? Or is this, at its core, the act of a dangerous player – listed as a terrorist state – that we would not tolerate from any other nation?

    “It seems to me that supplying a rogue nation like North Korea with a secret cache of weapons demands something more than the loosening of travel restrictions and the opening of trade. It demands exactly the opposite.

    “We should treat Cuba and the Castro regime as we would treat any other state sponsor of terrorism – which it is.

    “And yet, here I am, M. President, once again forced to come to the floor of the Senate. Once again – to point to these pictures of a North Korean ship in a Cuban port smuggling MiG aircraft and surface to air missiles and ask why should we turn a blind eye to what we clearly would not accept from Iran, Syria, or Sudan? And why, in God’s name, would we want to take this opportunity to reward the regime with cash-flows so they can continue to oppress their people and subvert neighboring countries?

    “Why should we accept the lame excuses given by the Cuban regime that – somehow – despite the fact that many of the arms were still in their original packaging, despite the fact that others had been recently calibrated, despite the fact that there was a fresh coat of paint over the insignia of the Cuban Air Force on the side of the MiGs to hide their origin, despite the fact that the entire shipment was covered with a-couple-of-hundred-thousand bags of sugar, Cuba claimed that this was a purely innocent business transaction and that the arms were being sent to North Korea for required maintenance and would have been returned to the island.

    “Does anyone actually believe such a ludicrous claim? But the broader question for my colleagues is: Can we and should we simply ignore it and move on? Even though United Nations weapons inspectors found that the shipment was a clear violation of UN sanctions – that Cuba was the first country in the Western hemisphere to violate international sanctions related to North Korea and that the shipment constituted the largest amount of arms shipped to or from North Korea since the adoption of Security Council Resolutions #1874 in 2009 and Resolution #2094 in 2013. I repeat: “the largest amount of arms shipped to or from North Korea.” If that is not food for thought when it comes to easing restrictions against the terrorist state to our south, I don’t know what it.

    “That said, in recent years, some would have us believe that reforms led by Raul Castro have placed Cuba on a path to economic progress, but, if we look at the new law on foreign investment that Cuba passed last week, we get a clearer picture of the truth behind Cuba’s economic model.

    “Let’s be clear about this new economic model. Under Cuba’s new foreign investment law, investment projects will be allowed to be fully funded by foreign capital. Business taxes on profits would be cut by 50 percent. Foreign companies would be exempt from paying taxes for the first 8 years of operations in Cuba and many foreigners living in Cuba would be let off the hook from paying income taxes at all.

    “But think about it. The question is: Who wins? Not the people of Cuba.

    “The most glaring omission in this new law is any benefit at all to the Cuban people. Instead of receiving new investment opportunities of benefitting from tax cuts and loop holes, they will continue to live under restrictive laws and regulations – unable to start a business, unable to follow a dream, build a better life.

    “They are left to live under the most restrictive laws preventing them from ever realizing their dreams for themselves and their families.

    “In fact, the Cuban regime has permitted people to work for themselves – to be entrepreneurs but only 200 types of jobs the government sanctions. They have a list of authorized jobs that includes sewing buttons, filling cigarette lighters, and street performing. Not exactly lucrative start-ups that can build an economy. These “authorized” jobs bear more resemblance to a feudal economy than anything we would recognize as economic opportunity.

    “At the same time, the government has moved aggressively to close in-home movie theaters, second hand clothing markets, and fledgling private restaurants that its considers too large or too successful. Why? Because anything that allows Cubans to meet legally, lawfully, and as a group – is a threat to the regime.

    “And while the Cuban government offers new incentives to foreign investors and continues to clamp down on self-employed workers, the real economic change in Cuba is the growing role of the Cuban armed forces in the country’s economy.

    “Under the watchful eye of Raul Castro’s son-in-law, a general in the Cuban Armed Forces, the military holding company, GAESA, has amassed control of more than 40 percent of Cuba’s economy. Through companies like GAESA, the government and the armed forces – those most loyal to the Castros – are laying a foundation for its future control of Cuba and the Cuban economy.

    “On the economic front, I think it’s important to make the point that when people argue for trade and travel with Cuba, they are arguing to do so with Castro’s monopolies. Let’s be clear, regular Cubans are prohibited from engaging in foreign trade and commerce. So we want to trade with Castro’s monopolies? Do we? Do we want to reward the regime?

    “The U.S. government’s own report of agricultural sales to Cuba states how every single transaction with Cuba, by hundreds of American agricultural companies, have only had one counter-part: Castro’s food monopoly, through a company named Alimport that hasn’t helped the people one bit. So do we really want to unleash billions to Castro’s monopolies?

    “Also, every single foreign «people-to-people» traveler currently stays at a hotel or resort owned by the Cuban military (GAESA). No exceptions!

    “So, M. President, how does that promote the «independence of the Cuban people from the regime?» as President Obama’s policy statement upon releasing these regulations states?

    “At the very least, they should be compelled to stay at a «casa particular» – a private home – but staying at the military’s facilities contravenes the President’s own policy statement. This hardly constitutes an economic opening for the people of Cuba.

    “However, if there is one positive trend to be found in Cuba today, it is that after decades of fear and self-imposed silence, there is a growing number of Cuban citizens beginning to speak out critically, increasingly in public.

    “In June 2012, Jorge Luis Garcia Perez, known as Antunez, after testifying before the Foreign Relations Committee via Skype – as you can see in this photograph – was beaten and detained for his testimony on human rights abuses on the island. But that did not stop him and it did not stop the bloggers from the Cuban diaspora from getting the word out.

    “After decades of being manipulated by the Castros, the people of Cuba no longer identify with the government. And while the government still holds power, its legitimacy is plummeting in the opinions of its people. So after 55 years of dictatorship, it is our responsibility in the international community to encourage this independence and help the people of Cuba reclaim their rights: Rights to freedom of expression, rights to organize unions, rights to freedom of assembly, rights to freedom of the press, rights to freedom of religion, universal human rights, the rights and freedoms that will be the building blocks of the new and democratic Cuba of the future.

    “But let us not be misled. Though Berta Soler is now allowed by the regime to visit the United States and Europe, when she returns to Cuban soil there is no change in the status of the Damas en Blanco. Every move she and her courageous partners make is monitored by the Castro regime. They are still physically harassed, intimidated, and arrested. Why? For simply wanting what any mother in any country on the face of the earth wants – to learn of the fate of her husband, son or daughter who has been harassed, beaten, and jailed by an aging, illegitimate regime.

    “According to the Cuba Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation, there were more than 15,000 cases of arbitrary, politically-motivated detentions since the start of 2012.

    “In January of this year, when 30 heads of state from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the Secretary General of the UN and Secretary General of the OAS were at a summit in Havana, there were more than 1,050 detentions over the course of the month.

    “In one prominent case, a leading Afro-Cuban political activist, intellectual and known leftist Manuel Cuesta Morua was arrested after attempting to organize a parallel civil society summit during the visit by heads of state. This simple practice, a practice that is not uncommon and, in fact, is ubiquitous throughout Latin America and the world, is not tolerated by the Cuban regime.

    “Instead, Mr. Cuesta Morua faced five days of intensive interrogations and has been charged with “disseminating false news against international peace,” joining prominent activists Jorge Luis Garcia Perez and Guillermo Fariñas, who was awarded the Sakharov Prize by the European Parliament for his dedication to peace.

    “He is shown here being taken away by the police. These activists have faced repeated, brutal acts at the hands of the Castro regime – no less violent than the regimes of any other terrorist state.

    “Finally, it is important to note that detentions, violence and harassment are not reserved for political activists alone, but also directed at labor rights activists as well.

    “In early March, AFL-CIO President Trumka called on the Cuban government to end its harassment of Mr. Cuesta Morua, and all independent union activists, advocating for labor rights to protect Cuban workers, like Morua and Maria Elena Mir and her colleagues.

    “American workers are not turning a blind eye to what the Cuban regime is doing to limit worker rights, and we should not turn a blind eye either. We cannot remain silent.

    “We must support those like Morua and Maria who are willing to step forward for Labor rights in the face of a repressive regime that will not stop at anything to silence them. As the people of Cuba look to cast off the shackles of five decades of dictatorial rule, we must stand-with and speak out in support-of all those who seek to reclaim their civil and political rights, and promote political pluralism and democratic values. We cannot turn our back on Cuba’s human right violations record for decades simply because “enough time has passed.”

    “If that’s the case, M. President, enough time has surely passed in Syria, and Sudan, and Iran, and North Korea.

    “To me and to the thousands who have suffered at the hands of these regimes, the clock has nothing to do with our policy options. Engagement and sanctions relief has to be earned – it can’t be timed-out! It must come through real change not Xs on a calendar or the ticking of a clock.

    “And the clock is ticking for Alan Gross. On December 4th, 2009, Alan Gross, a private sub-contractor for the U.S. government, working to bring information to the Cuban people, was arrested in Cuba. Mr. Gross is a 64-year old development professional who worked in dozens of countries around the world with programs to help people get access to basic information.

    “Since 2009, he has been detained in Villa Marista – a prison in Havana notorious for its treatment of political prisoners by the Cuban National Security Agency. This is not a minimum security prison where foreigners are routinely held. It is a harsh, repressive prison –reserved for Cuban dissidents.

    “He is still being held at Villa Marista, and so I come to the floor to urge my colleagues – indeed, to urge the Administration – to do all it can to free Mr. Gross, and keep pressure on the Castro regime.

    “After serving four years of a 15 year sentence, this 64 year old American’s mental health is reported to be deteriorating and his life may well be in danger.

    “The case of Alan Gross is only one example of why we cannot let up until the dead weight of this oppressive regime is lifted – once and for all — from the backs of 11 million Cubans living on that island nation, isolated from the world.

    “M. President, we have supported democracy movements around the world. It is the idea upon which this nation was founded and it is who we are as a people and what we stand for in the eyes of the world.

    “We can no longer condone through inaction and outright support – even from some of my colleagues in this chamber – the actions of a repressive regime 90 miles from our shores simply because of the passage of time, or because of some romantic idea of what the Castro regime is all about.

    “To my colleagues let me say, I know I have come to this floor on many occasions demanding action. I have come to this floor demanding that we live up to our rhetoric and our values. I ask that we hold the Castro brothers accountable for the years of suffering – the years of brutality and repression that has deprived the Cuban people of the basic human rights we so proudly proclaim to support around the world.

    “And I will come to this floor again-and-again-and- again to ask for nothing less. To ask that we never allow the Castro regime to profit from increased trade that will benefit the regime, that will use these dollars for repression, but not put one ounce of food on the plates of Cuban families.

    “Let me end, M. President with this photograph of a man being arrested in Havana and flashing a sign recognized across Cuba and throughout the world.

    “Libertad! Libertad! Libertad! That’s all I ask for the people of Cuba. And I will not rest until Cuba is free.

    “Thank you, M. President, and with that I yield the floor.”

  5. Sanson dice:

    Me puse a leer un articulo en un sitio que se llama bitacoras cubanas y me resulto muy interesante y novedoso. En el se trata el asunto de la reunion de oficialistas y oposicion con critrios de la autora.
    Tambien hace referencia a lo que se nos ha vedado por muchos annos a los cubanos y que es lo que nos impide ser personas en nuestro pais, mas alla de los incrementoe del precio de la leche y la majomia de los espias y que es la posibilidad de sentarnos en una mesa con los «gobernantes» y decirles en su cara lo que pensamos argumentando y debatiendo como seres humanos.
    De mas esta decir que no me sorprendi cuando vi la firma del articulo .

    1. Sanson: Es tu problema si no has querido decir lo que piensas, más todavía ahora… No culpes a los demás de tus incapacidades.

      1. Sanson dice:

        Paco: Tonterias
        Recuerda que en cuba se bota a la gente de la universidad por pensar diferente y manifestarlo. Recuerda al ministro que auguro el fracaso de la Zafra de los 10 millones. Recuerda que en cuba hay prisioneros de conciencia.

        1. Sanson: No habría universidad si fuera así 😉 No puedo recordar lo que no conocí.

          1. Sanson dice:

            Paco: Cuando saques tu cabeza del hueco donde la enterraste, recordaras……….

  6. Sanson dice:

    En el comentario anterior se me paso aclarar que la reunion era el dialogo entre la opocision y el gobierno venezolano.

    Ne llamo la atencion lafrace siguiente:

    «Aunque la prensa oficial muestra estas conversaciones como una señal de fortaleza por parte del chavismo, también ha tomado la suficiente distancia, para que no nos hagamos ilusiones de posibles versiones a la cubana».

    Recomiendo el articulo.

    1. Sanson: En Cuba hay un diálogo perenne, no siempre como quisiéramos, pero muy persistente.

      1. caraEguante dice:

        si,paco, seguro, la ultima palabra la tiene siempre «el mismo».

        1. El inagotable dice:

          Leo que Eusebio Leal se queja de que el hombre no solo viva de filosofia, sino de pan y que no se produce, Ja Ja

          …Para luego justificar la debacle con aquello de la geografia, Se comenta que cuando Batista le declara la Guerra a Hitler, Goebles tuvo que indicarle al dictador donde estabamos, colocando su dedo indice en el globo terraqueo. mientras Hitler se ajustaba las gafas para ubicarnos.

          Ya tal criminal desconocimiento no ocurrira, !JAMAS!

          Somos el ombligo del mundo.

          Todo el mundo sabe que la Havana (ellos lo escriben asi) vieja es el lugar en el que las casas se derrumban cuando caen tres pulgadas de agua; que Cuba es el unico lugar, junto a Korea del Norte, donde se insiste en la planificacion centralizada y en rendirle culto a los “meritos” de un lider historico que con su Yate Granma, y un panfleto triunfalista del mismo nombre los ha embarcado.

          Tenemos el privilegio de estar entre los obscuros lugares del planeta de donde su gente escapa a como de lugar. Ultimamente ademas de las visas de los EE UU, se escapan por deserciones
          sobre todo de atletas, en balsa , por matrimonios de chicas bellisimas con ancianos cagalitrosos, Tambien se intenta emigar hacia los EE UU mojados por la frontera o por avion, por un tercer pais. Hace unos annos nos hicimos famosos cuando una chica se embalo, ella misma, y entro a los EE UU acurrucadita en una caja de carton.

          El unico lugar de todo el planeta donde se exportan personal medico, que escasea en la nacion. El unico lugar donde funcionan dos monedas. (Venezuela aun, a pesar de su desbarajuste cambiario, aun no nos ha superado)

          Copio de ese gran intelectual:

          La revolucion ha sacado a la isla del anonimato.

          Nosotros hemos hecho un poco más de algo. No hay un solo rincón de la Tierra donde no se sienta una y otra vez el nombre sonoro y breve de esta isla: Cuba.

        2. Para asegurarlo habría que llegar a la última palabra 😉

      2. Sanson dice:

        Paco; Al no existir un partido de opocision en el gobierno, el partido reinante y por ende, la figura del dictador de turno, tiene todas las prerrogativas que van desde prermitir o no una idea contraria, castigar al atrevido, destituirlo juzgarlo y hasta encarcelarlo o proscribirlo.
        Incluso en la llamada democracia venezolana, existe desde que el chavismo se apodero del poder, el efecto guaposo y prepotente. Por eso un en una mamarrachada de engreimiento y pedanteria el difunto chavez se autoproclamo «aguila que no caza moscas» cuando fue requerido por una diputada elegida por su pueblo de hablar con la verdad y dejar el consigneo y la trova triunfalista. O no lo viste?

        1. Sanson: No si la sociedad no se organiza sobre las mismas bases y el partido cambia sus funciones.

          1. Sanson dice:

            Solo hubo que darle un poco de cuero al chaburro y enseguida se le salio lo de dictador. Aguilas y moscas. Estos dictadores «socialistas» en cuanto los zarandean un poco se le sale la prepotencia. Por eso no pueden bajarse del pedestal donde pretenden estar por encima de todos ya que se caen enseguida.

          2. El inagotable dice:

            Los de Guama. tienen un sentido del humor muy crudo


            Hay que ir echando de aqui,
            da lo mismo si pa’ arriba que pa’abajo
            Lo que importa es, de una vez,
            ir echando pal carajo.

            Ahora que estan pasmaos
            quieren el baro de aquellos
            que ellos mismos botaron.

            Si la gente que esta afuera
            ni un solo peso les diera,
            esta m… se cayera.

          3. El inagotable dice:

            Leyendo sobre Ernest Hemingway , me he dado cuenta de que a pesar de ser un tipo muy tranquilo, aparentemente en el aspecto sexual de la vida he superado en algo al mujeriego y aventurero novelista.

            Segun el sitio, Cubadebate Ernest tuvo varias esposas, dos de ella con apenas un dia de diferencia, En mi caso, Ja ja logre hacer el amor con las dos mias Ja Ja Ja, (Perdonen, perdonen chicas la indiscrecion) Ustedes dos no se dieron cuenta, el mismo dia, y con apenas unas horas de diferencia.. No se me escapa., sin embargo, que debe existir en circulacion, tios (sobre todo en el mundo musulman) tios tan habiles que
            nos han superado a ambos logrando juntar a dos o varias esposas para sostener un menage a trois o a quatre, o a cinque Lamentablemente no pude lograr imitar tal record. Una de ellas, bueno las dos, eran muy chapadas a la antigua.

          4. El inagotable dice:

            Escribe esta joven, tan bella como ingenua, Yeli:

            Eduardo García Delgado, quien herido y ante la inminencia de la muerte escribió con su sangre: Fidel.


            Ja Ja, Si , Si creetelo. De esa manera soportas estoicamente el desabastecimiento las colas o

            moloteras, la falta de papel sanitario, papas ,medicamentos, cerveza, protectores plasticos

            antoconceptivos, vulgo, condones..

            De esa misma manera, Yeli, yo me creo a pies juntillas

            que Ochoa, ante su peloton de fusilamiento

            cumplio lo que dijo en su juicio:

            “Mi ultimo pemsamiento sera para Fidel”

            Ja Ja.

            El sano sento comun indica que ante la inminencia de la muerte, la gente

            suele sobrecogerse. Yo aspiro a portarme como un hombre.

            a mirarle a la cara y a desafiar a la parca.

            Pero a lo mejor me cago. Ese dia te cuento. Pero si,

            en algo pensara, seria en mis adorables – las dos- esposas-

            en mis hijos que sufririan la perdida…Ja Ja Algun pensamiento le dedicaria,


            a Yoani. Probablemente

            cuando el oficial ordena y los soldados apuntan hacia Ochoa

            “Preparen apunten, el general penso : Fidel, !Que clase de Hijo de P#$$$ tu eras!

  7. El inagotable dice:

    Paquito, Estoy en plan de convocar una
    Institución Nacional de Promiscuos, Gays, y Afeminados

    Se le exigira a sus miembros, andar con la bragueta abierta.

    Solo tengo que darle cabeza y ajustar las iniciales un poco mas para que el acronimo
    salga abreviadamente : PINGA, por sus siglas. No importa si en ingles o en espannol., el caso es que la PINGA salga a la luz

    ?Te animas?

    1. SantiagoCuba dice:

      jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajajajajjajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja APRETASTER ORLANDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. SantiagoCuba dice:

    desde ayer estan siendo sometido a la represion destructiva oficialista uno de los blog mas originales de la joven blogisfera cubana: Una Sola Mente.
    El creador del este blog Camagueyano fue citado ayer para dejarle saber que su blog “no ayuda a la revolucion” y le suspendieron de forma indefinida su acceso a la Internet desde la univerisdad donde trabaja como profesor. No dudo que el siguiente paso sea tratar de sacarlo de su puesto de trabajo.
    Para colmo de males el sicario Calvet, corregidor de La Joven Cuba le ha empezado a poner “consejos” en los comentarios y me tomado el tiempo de responderle por alla dado que un elemento represor como este carente de verguenza deberia de ajustarse a no salir de la cueva donde vive y evitar manchar con sus heces a un lugar tan participativo como Una Sola Mente.

    1. El inagotable dice:

      Esto es para que Carlitos de Nueva York, que suele tildarme de mentiroso, vea que efectivamente, cuento con uno (dos) planes de retiro, Decidi aumentar mi porciento de contribucion con Prudencial, pues los fondos estan creciendo muy aceleradamente

      To Me

      Today at 10:23 AM


      Thank you for visiting your Prudential retirement plan at: (omitido)

      This is to confirm that the Online Retirement Center is processing your request to : change your contribution rate.

      Your tracking number is :Omitido

      You will also receive confirmation within 7- 10 business days.

      Thank you again for using the Online Retirement Center!

      1. El inagotable dice:

        La abuela de Eréndira era una tremenda HP explotadora, lo que se dice una rata de dos patas…

        Ja Ja Ja. No gusa. Recuerda que la nieta, por negligencia, la quemo la casa.

        La abuela de Erendira sigue ese Viejo refran de que chivo que rompe tambo.

        ja Ja Ja… con su pellejo paga.

        1. El inagotable dice:

          Dice Carlos:

          Tu Trabajas para los Esbirros de Batista en Miami , Tu lo haces por mandato de la FundacionCubanaAmericana indirectamente , Tu lo haces por un Salario que recibes a lo Mejor tmabien dicho de Paso de la Sina porque es Increible la innumerosas Paginas gastadas y Copy Paste que haces contra Cuba y su Gobierno y Por Gusto no lo haces y ya afirmo ” Por desacreditar a Cuba , tu lo haces por dinero ”

          Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja. Me orino de la risa, No sabia que mi trabajo en los blogs, que hago por divertirme , fuera tan , pero tan bueno , que amerite compensacion monetaria.

          Ahora mismo estoy llamando a la Fundacion , al SINA y a los batistianos para reclamar una paga..

          Ja Ja Ja Ja. No me conoces, Carlitos, Yo soy un jodedor. Hace poco pase en un auto por una reunion de viejitos de Miami, veteranos de Bahia de Cochinos y me dio por gritarles : “Viva Fidel!

          1. Al Inagotable : » Tambien Dije esto de Ti y tu no lo PEGAS aqui »

            Carlos de New York City

            abril 17, 2014 en 8:11 pm

            El Inagotable :

            Tu Mismo DEMUESTRAS tu Trabajo…… ” Jovenes en Cuba y Pueblo Cubano….. ! Miren UTDS mismos que Yo Solo Escribo y al mismo Momento , al instante Salen los comentarios y CRITICAS PIRRICAS en contra mia y de mis Palabras…” Ellos estan de GUARDIA sentados esperando Para Ladrarme a mi paso por la Acera de Mi verdad y Justicia Por Cuba ”
            Ademas…Dices Tu Inagotable..” que te orinas… ? No se Con QUE, porque a ti te Sobra Mucha lengua cual es larga , Pero de lo Otro, Lo dudo Yo Eternamente…… :):)

          2. SantiagoCuba dice:

            Mentepollo NY dice: «! Miren UTDS mismos que Yo Solo Escribo y al mismo Momento , al instante Salen los comentarios y CRITICAS PIRRICAS en contra mia y de mis Palabras…” Ellos estan de GUARDIA sentados esperando Para Ladrarme a mi paso por la Acera»…….
            Es que los perros se alborotan cuando ven una gallina clueca cacareando por la acera y ladran JAU JAU JAU!!!!! JAUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!

    2. S A N T I A G U E R O *****

      » Dices tu REPRESION en Cuba….. » Eres un niño de teta…REPRESIOn cuando el GOBIERNO de BATISTA que precisamente la PROVINCIA de ORIENTE era la mas explotada , la mas Humillada , donde Habian mas abusos , mas DISCRIMINACIONES contra el negro , Donde habian mas Torturados y Muertos por la POLICIA BATISTIANA y los Esbirros de BATISTA aquellos CASQUITOS que subian a esas sierras Y le quitaban todo alos CAMPESINOS , donde no habian HOSPITALES ni ESCUELAS esas que Hoy disfrutan los niños y Jovenes de Cuba.
      Que hay dificultades economicas , carencias y Muchos problemas , errores , los hay » Pero Decir Tu REPRESION contra los Jovenes y cualquier CIUDANO cubano ! ES MENTIRA !
      Estas usando la misma RETORICA de los ESBIRROS de BATISTA en Miami y de algunos POLITICOS que se han GANADO la SILLA con el Cuento de Fidel castro Y el COMUNISMO…
      Yoani $ Anchez ! TRAIDORA y MERCENARIA !
      ! Disidentes en Cuba ! ! NO LOS HAY ! ! Existen REVOLTOSOS, DELINCUENTES, ANTISOCIALES y LUMPENS !
      ! PERSONA que EMIGRARON algunos a la HABANA y se ENCONTRARON en el LIMBO , sin Trabajos Y sin CASAS < Claro que un Millon de Emigrantes de las demas PROVINCIAS de CUBA a la Capital de la HABANA " claro que Afectaron Todos los Sistemas en Cuba , hasta el Transporte , escuelas , Hospitales y demas asistencias del estado cubano..
      PAYA < Un Caraguante , Familia de Paya , que le muerden la mano a la REVOLUCIOn como Tu Mismo Hace ahora ! CARAGUANTES !
      YO Siempre dije : Que en Cuba no hay un Solo Disidente con Moral y VERGUENZA y me PAREO en el MALECON de la HABANA y lo DIGO Hoy Y dije AYER cuando Yo CAMINABA esas calles del VEDADO y me DABA cuenta del Juego Y TRAMPAS " Algunos para CONSEGUIR una VISA y Poder EMIGRAR , OTROS que ellos mismos le negaban la VISA por sus Antecedentes PENALES Y Morales como Sociales y Otros Por que le PAGUEN como hacen Hoy la miserable suma de unos Dollares ! Son DESCARADOS ! Y para colmo ! Muertos de hambre que se venden por unos CUC para no Trabajar en cuba !

      1. SantiagoCuba dice:

        Mentepollo-Gallinaceo- NY, es verdad, lo de Batista fue un desastre y una verguenza, muchos cubanos perdieron la vida tratando de quitarse de arriba aquella lacra pero eso no justifica la represion de hoy. Mentepollo, tu no puedes asimilar eso porque eres un elemento peorrico policiaco de los Oficialsitas Retrogrados actuales. Hoy no hay Batista y no aparecen muertos los jovenes cubanos en las aceras pero hay El Agente Camilo, el que reprime a las Damas de Blanco y mas de 2 millones de cubanos fuera de su pais producto del desastre que han generado tus idolatrados jefes.
        Solo una mente diarreica como la tuya trata de hacer el trabajo tan bajo que tu haces Mentepollo-Gallinacea NY!

      2. Sanson dice:

        Soplatubos: Si te tocana la puerta de tu covacha, alla en la Habana y te ordenan que vayas a punto cero donde fidel te espera para que se la sacudas lo harias verdad?

  9. ! Abajo BERTA SOLER y YOANi $ ANCHEZ !
    ! Abajo Cochino y CHANTAJE POLITICA SUCIA desde Miami a Cuba !
    ! En Cuba Hay DELINCUENTES Y ANTOSOCIALES que se quieren LLAMAR PERO NUNCA seran Disidentes , No hay PRINCIPIOS NI Moral !
    ! Abajo Criminal Embargo a Cuba y a mi Pueblo de PIE !
    ! Abajo esbirros de BATISTA en Miami < Oportunistas , Asesinos Y terroristas Hasta Ayer 9/11 en mi Querido y amado NEW YORK Y Hoy CONVERTIDOS en DESINFORMANTES de la VERDAD de Cuba con sus Propagandas Y RETORICAS la misma Cochinas mentiras que Dicen aqui ESTOs SIETEMESINOS Y LAGARTIJAS < desde SANTIGUERO ,SANSON y demas ratas !
    ! Viva Fidel castro !


  10. SantiagoCuba dice:

    Viva Fidel y Raul!!
    Viva Rodiles y Yoani!!
    Abajo Mentegallina-Calvet-Chachakaka
    Viva Cuba, Plural y Integracionista
    Abajo los Sicarios Calvet-Chachakaka-Mentepollo NY
    Vivan las Libertades Politicas, Religiosas y de Eleccion Sexual
    Abajo los Oficialistas Retrogrados y sus Esbirros
    Viva La Joven Cuba y los Blogs de la Blogosfera Cubana
    Abajo el Correjidor Peninsular Calvet y sus titeres cubanos
    Vida Eterna a la Cuba de Marti: !CON TODOS Y PARA EL BIEN DE TODOS!

    1. El inagotable dice:

      Una vez comente que en disennando politicas
      macroeconomicas, el gobierno de la isla es como ese monito africano que atrapan los indigenas colocando cacahuates en el agujero de un arbol.
      El monito queda atrapado forcejeando para sacar el punno
      que ha metido en el agujero para atrapar la fruta

      En esto de la ley de inversiones, no contentos con
      salirse con el
      20 porciento, que me parece una cifra razonable…. se quieren alzar
      con un enorme descuento-mas del 50 % entre el peso y el CUC

  11. Sanson dice:

    Esta es una de las mas grandes sandeces que he leido en mi vida. Fue escrita por Harold Cardenas Lima en el blog LJC.

    .”Sería imperdonable omitir que en Venezuela, los dirigentes opositores fueron electos por una porción de la población, por lo tanto tienen derecho a compartir la mesa de diálogo con otros que también fueron electos, excepto que estos últimos ganaron por mayoría”.

    Caramba Harold. No te das cuenta que los que fueron elegidos tanto chavistas como opositores obtuvieron la mayoria en sus areas?.O piensas que los chavistas ganaron «por mayoria» los opositores ganaron «por minoria»?.

  12. SantiagoCuba dice:

    Mentepollo NY Cacarea en LJC:
    » Entren al blog de nuestro hermano Paquito….entren alli y LEAN a los DETRACTORES y CRITICOS …..Mios ! No me REFIERO al derecho UNIVERSAL que tienen ellos Tambien como el Mio propio en DISENTIr de mi Ni de mis Ideas mas Sanas y Nobles»
    MIra Gallinaceo lo que sucede es que contra la anornalidad de tu ya gastado discurso solo se puede imponer una mano firme que te agarre por las plumas y te sarandee. Tu escribes mucha diarrea mental y eso produce cortocircuitos en los blogs por lo que hay que editarlos para limpiar tu costra apestosa. Tu te sientes realizado en LJC porque eres parte del sistema de represion ciudadana que hay por alla y nadie puede responderte como te mereces porque ustedes los banean pero aqui te jodes Gallinaceo porque lo que tu escribes lo convertimos en pure de lombriz estomacal molia y despues te lo damos a tomar en cuchara sopera. Abre el pico Mentepollo y traga de tu propia kaka!

  13. Sanson dice:

    Atentado a fidel castro por parte de la CIA

  14. SantiagoCuba dice:

    He aqui una joyita interpretativa de la Gallina Loca Mentipollina, mas conocido como Mentepollo NY Diarrea Encefalica en La Joven Cuba:
    ” No la cojan conmigo , ! coño …yo soy quien les coNgelo a UTDS los huevos , Culparle al Perro frio del Invierno»
    Ademas de aguanta niple ahora tambien es un congela huevos!! y de seguro se los esta congelandoal Capitan Segura, el famoso amigo-jefe de su esposa!

  15. SantiagoCuba dice:

    Se junto La Peste a Pata con El Talco Micocilen en La Joven Cuba. Resulta que Mentepollo NY y un pobre guajiro de Chambas que escribe casi como Mentepollo y que se llama Selenio Ceballos entabalron una discucion tipo Paramesio pa Ameba y les ha quedao comiquisima.

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